Hier gibt es jede Menge Zündapp KS601 Teile...

Teile, Ersatzteile und Zubehör zur KS.

Moderator: kasi

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Registriert: 26.05.2005, 22:13
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Hier gibt es jede Menge Zündapp KS601 Teile...

Beitrag von Patrick »

Allerdings ist es ein gewerblicher Anbieter.

Motorrad Kaup in der Vogelsanger Straße 350 in Köln.

Für alle die hinfahren können oder wollen, ich habe das Gefühl
dort wird nach Kilopreis abgerechnet.

Nicht nur BMW hat schnelle Boxer gebaut !
Benjamin S.
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 14.05.2011, 23:59
Wohnort: Den Haag

Beitrag von Benjamin S. »

I have bougth the KS 601 from Peter Kaup, but i can insure you that i didn't payed a kilo price, hahaha .

Real funny guys there, the owner have some engines left, all emptu cases and boxes with engine parts, but eveything is unsorted, they also have a KS 750 wich is ruined because they extended the frame and put some kind of boat engine in it .

The KS 601 is not complete and the engine was empty, alltough the seller insured me that the engine wasn't blocked, that was true, the engine couldn't be blocked when there are not any parts in it .

But i did get a box with some engine parts like the pistons, camshaft, crankshaft, oilpump and some other parts, i also have some needles and cages in good condition .

I need some parts for my own project and the rest of it will be sold, maybe someone here need some parts that i don't use, if so you can send me an email or call on number : 0031-626847539
When we do good no one remembers, when we do bad no one forgets !